Business Models

Introducing Lightbox Espresso

No Author
20th January 2024

Lightbox Espresso puts the spotlight on the emerging, evolving and exciting ecosystem of ideas, brands and business models that are building for India's diverse and fragmented consumer market. Join us in decoding India's consumption economy.

 India’s diverse and fragmented consumption market has unique needs that demand unique solutions. Ten years ago when Lightbox set out on its journey, we grounded our investment philosophy in partnering with entrepreneurs who were taking a differentiated approach to addressing the unique opportunities that this market presented. Our carefully constructed portfolio today is a microcosm of how a new generation of consumer brands are shaping the future of consumption in India.

As we look ahead into the next decade, macroeconomic factors are set to propel the consumption market towards exponential growth. India is expected to enter the $10 trillion GDP club in 2034. Much of this growth will be driven by accelerated consumption, aided by factors such as increasing income and faster credit penetration. It is inevitable that new age brands with differentiated business models, underpinned by technology, will play a defining role in this growth.

With Lightbox Espresso, we bring you curated conversations and insights from this evolving and exciting ecosystem of homegrown brands, ideas, business models and, importantly, the people behind them. Through Espresso we aim to engage with this ecosystem, drive conversations, exchange learnings and eventually build a knowledge repository for all stakeholders.

Espresso will bring you unique conversations and insights once a month.

Watch the first episode here. Stay tuned for more. 
